Tag Archives: over committed

There’s Always the Apology That’s Too Late 

“You did this wrong. I’m so much more experienced than you, you said this and didn’t do it. How dare you not be perfect! You clearly are defective to the core. Perhaps I should do this. Oh oops. I already do. I forgot to mention that too.”

I’m shaking as I read the searing email on my phone. How could I go so wrong? 

This about sums up the overall experience of someone being unhappy with me because of x, y, and z… None of which I promised or said I would do. 

What he doesn’t know is that I’ve already unfairly been bitched out today twice, and I’m sitting in a hospital chair with an IV, getting Benlysta and trying to answer five emails at once. 

I confront his twisted reality. Tread lightly. The nurse is having problems with the needle and I keep feeling pain as she stabs me over and over. The needle feels like it’s a mile wide. 

Five minutes later, I receive the short apology after he realizes how he misread everything I wrote, and he is wrong. But too late. I already made another commitment, in fear I made some promise in my lupus fog and just forgot and he was right. 

Negative charisma strikes again. Same story repeated again and again. But I’m always assumed villain just by showing up.